
After finishing the Pre-Assessment phase of the church planting process, we will then start the Assessment phase.  The main goal here is to evaluate your current preparedness for church planting.  A thorough and accurate assessment helps construct a thorough and accurate training plan, which will help ensure your readiness and success in church planting.  Trust us, you don’t want to consider church planting without being properly equipped, gifted, and called by God!

The first piece of the Assessment is a Formal Assessment

This will happen in two parts.  First, you will go through a M1618 assessment, where members from Mission1618 will interview you and your spouse (if applicable).  Here we will ask about your plans, why you want to pursue this, how you view the skills God has given you, what has been your past ministry experience, and so forth.  It simply provides us an opportunity to get to know you better.  If we feel like this is a wise decision, the second part will be attending and completing an approved Formal Assessment.  We will help give you some direction regarding denominational affiliation (if appropriate) and point you in the direction of an approved Formal Assessment.

We will not create our own formal assessment, but will accept assessment with either A29, Converge, or the North Central District of the EFCA (all linked in the Resources below). If you plan to attend another assessment, at least one person from Mission1618 must be present at that assessment in order for it to be valid for our purposes.  For those already having planted, you will not be required to go through a formal assessment, but simply meet with the leadership of Mission1618.

Most people have some conditions after an assessment. Some of these can require up to 2 years to complete. We will work with you to finish these conditions as well as help you prepare for the task of church planting. 

The second piece of the Assessment is further clarity in how God made you

We think it’s very important to be able to see yourself with sober judgement (Romans 12:3), both in your weaknesses and your strengths.  We want you to be able to fully run within the gifting God has given you, as well as draw attention to your weaknesses to make sure they won’t cause you to stumble in ministry.  We will converse you about different opportunities and resources we would like you go through.

The Assessment phase will be on-going

Your assessments will be used to formulate your Plan in the next phase.  However, this is not a simple stage you go through and then complete – it is ongoing.  You will constantly be assessed, and additional things may come up that will then either add or subtract from your plan, potentially either elongated or shortening the process.